Artificial Intelligence and its key contributions in the medical imaging field


Driven by the combination of easy, inexpensive access to huge volume of data, computational infrastructure and advanced algorithms, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered into the mainstream of technological innovations including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, robotics, and image data analysis which are not only helping us to live and maintain an improved lifestyle 24/7, but also are being the key contributors in the achievement of many of the recent notable scientific works in health science. One of the most impactful areas of health innovations is the application of AI in medical imaging. In this talk, recent advancements of AI will be introduced including automated image processing and interpretations of the analysis. Basic terminologies commonly used while discussing AI applications will be explained with illustrations, and finally the three questions around the “when”, “what” and “how” AI can be integrated into a medical imaging (more specifically radiological) workflow will be illustrated with examples.

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