Install and Configure Julia

1 minute read

In this blog post (in progress) I will show you few steps to install and configure Julia so that you can start programming in it, and in Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSCode).

Julia install

  • Download exact julia installer from . In my case, I downloaded Generic Linux on x86: 64-bit (glibc) for my Ubuntu 22.04 workstation, and Windows 64-bit (installer) for my Windows 10 workstation, and MacOS x86 (Intel chip) 64-bit dmg for my Macbook.
    • Configuration in Ubuntu 22.04
      • Extracted the tar.gz file into ~/Applications/
      • Added the following line in my ~/.bashrc
        • export PATH=”/home/ashiskb/Applications/julia-1.9.2/bin:$PATH”
    • Configuration in Windows 10
      • @TODO – will add later. It should be easy and self-explanatory.
    • Configuration in MacOS Ventura
      • @TODO – will add later. It should be easy and self-explanatory.
  • Reopen terminal, and type $julia
    • Make sure this opens julia prompt successfully.
  • Julia source file extension ends with jl
  • At the julia> prompt type the following to install the “IJulia” package to work with jupyter notebook:
    • using Pkg

    • Pkg.add("IJulia")

    • exit()

Configuring Julia for VSCode:

  • Install the julia extension from the market place, author: julialang
  • Create a jupyter notebook at VSCode: test.ipynb
  • Select Kernel, and choose “Julia 1.9.2” (this is listed here because of the “IJulia” package.